Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The story behind Gomery (1)

The Parliament went to an early recess on December 14, 2004. On that day, I went into the visitor gallery and throw my protest flyers onto the House floor.

I am not proud of that incident, as I said before. To understand why I did it, you’ll have to read my previous blog entry.

My plan then was to go back to Vancouver and I knew I would not have the financial resources to come back to Ottawa again to protest. But on December 17, I met a concerned citizen who showed his willingness to help me. I met him again the following Monday to tell him about my story. Since he had to persuade some other people to help me, I decided to stay in Ottawa to hear back from him. (In the end, I did not get any help from him.)


While waiting in Ottawa, I read Pat MacAdam’s December 20 column, Christmas on the battlefield, in which he quoted Bobbie Burns: “The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft a-gley”. I took it that he wanted me to stay in Ottawa. (If you read my blog, you’ll find that I like to use quote to make a point.) On December 22, I called Pat MacAdam for the first time.

(When I looked back, both his October 17, 2004 and November 21 columns appeared to call me to go to Ottawa.)

Our conversation only lasted for a couple of minutes. He did not ask many questions about my story. He asked where I came from and whether I got my citizenship. (It appeared that he knew about my problem, which was not entirely surprising if he had already read my report or had his own source of information.) He said he was going to call me back the next day for us to “get together”.

I was quite hopeful. However, the next day, he called to say that he had already written his columns for the next few weeks and he would have his colleague Earl McRae to follow up on my story.

Nobody called me for the next few weeks. I was a bit disappointed.

Gomery and Chretienites

Judge Gomery gave media interviews and made some controversial comments, which immediately draw criticisms from Chretienites, particularly from Warren Kinsella. See his blog for more details.


After successfully burying my story despite my daily protest in the cold weather on Parliament Hill, the MSM is all gleeful. Details might be added later.