Sunday, June 26, 2005

The story behind Gomery (9): MSM cracking my March 1 blog

My March 1 entry, in which the expletives were edited out on March 5, is linked here. The original entry was posted around 11:00PM ET via the following email:

From: Jim Yu


Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 19:42:49 -0800

Subject: Shit, this is worse than the colds

With virtually no sympotoms(sic), I skin-tested positive for TB (tuberculosis) last week. Now I am waiting for chest X-way(sic) result.

I can tell you all about the context and "inside stories". But do you really fucking care?

Note that I used some expletives and/or cuss words, which, according to David Herle when he was with Don Newman at the Liberal Convention, ruined the good humour of my blog. (Yes, I think David Herle read my blog, too!)

Apparently, my destitution is the Mr. Kinsella's joy.

March 2, 2005 - Bits and pieces, this and that:

  • Kings of Leon tonight! Yee-haw! Attending with Lorne and Charlie. If anyone wants to pop by and purchase Labatt brewskies for us, we will be the trio on the south side of the Opera House on Queen East, wearing baseball caps and hollering along to 'California Waiting.'
  • I'm hearing from my Ottawa spies that Brian Mulroney's press secretary, Gregory Weston, is bragging that he intends to make the Gomery Pyle Circus his hobby horse for the next while. "I'm going to get [insert bad words describing Chretien folks here]," said Greggie, to no one in particular. Doing his master's bidding, I s'pose. (Next up: getting one of his fellow Mulroneyite employees to take a swing at me!)
  • Let's see: this morning's Post has seven editorials against Paul Martin's decision on Missile "Defence," two torqued front-page stories, plus one nasty editorial cartoon - and not a word, not one, representing the other point of view. I feel my fingers twitching, and moving towards a keyboard, folks! You know what this means, don't you?
  • I'm driving up to the Liberal convention in Ottawa, so - after a laborious scientific process overseen by's accounting firm - I have selected The Latest World's Greatest Driving Song. It's 'Nowhere Again' by the Secret Machines. Check it out and don't drive too fast!

Adam Radwanski was pretty much the same. The following is from his March 2 blog:

Mama's boys

My favourite part of yesterday's interview (to be worked into a piece in Friday's Post) with the alarmingly baby-faced Kings of Leon? The revelation that the reason expletives are blanked out of the lyrics on the liner notes is that their mom (or at least the mom of all but guitarist Matthew, who's a cousin) cries when they use cuss words.

If I were a girl, I'm pretty sure I'd find that adorable.