Sunday, June 05, 2005

The story behind Gomery (5): Chretienites' actions

In the previous part of the story (Part 4), I recorded some of Jean Chretien's words at the Gomery inquiry. In this blog, we will take a look at Chretienites' actions.

Incidentally, the latest development, that Mr. Chretien decided to drop the bid to oust Judge Gomery, took place on Monday, a day after I posted the following blog.

Sunday, May 29, 2005
My mantra
My mantra these days is: Don't lose your capability to feel angry, don't lose your capability to feel angry, don't lose your capability to feel angry ...
posted by Jim Yu at 8:20 AM
As MSM journalists can tell, this blog is an imitation of the opening paragraph of Pat MacAdam's column in Ottawa Sun on April 10.

"My mantra these days is: Stupidity is not contagious, stupidity is not contagious, stupidity is not contagious…"
Why was this paragraph significant? Because it basically says, in Canadian punditry terms, "us does not want an election" . – Of course, to translate it for you would require me to write a separate blog entry. -- But my intention was also made clear by my imitation: This story is about Ottawa's "political class", which, not surprisingly, PM Paul Martin defended on Thursday during a Liberal fundraising event.

"And we didn't do it so that a group of people could tarnish the reputation of our party and cause people to lose confidence in our country's political class." (Paul Martin, June 2, 2005)
Anyway, Chretien's legal maneuver to oust Judge Gomery, which started in January, seemed to be in lock steps with my blogging activities.

To see this, you need to scan my blog to know that my entries are generally short, clean, and modest, among other things you may say about them (I am not good at describing things). So my long blogs on January 5 and January 24, as well as the original one on March 1, are either significant or out of the ordinary.

Let me explain.

First of all, on January 5, I posted the summary of Cecilia Zhang cover-up . The summary made my argument about Cecilia Zhang murder cover-up more obvious, in case people did not read my report thoroughly. (For MSM, this is unnecessary because they had known it since last summer.)

On January 11, the first day of Gomery hearing this year, Chretien's people announced that they might ask him to step down and made a representation before the Judge.

Secondly, on January 24, I posted another long entry on my blog detailing my experience with MSM that also went to the heart of my story, i.e., it's about racism and bigotry. The next day, Chretien's Gomery strategy started to show teeth. You just need to read Kinsella's blog to see that he was conjuring up a vast conspiracy headed by Mulroney and included, according to him, Judge Gomery, Bernard Roy, Norman Spector, Greg Weston, Jim Travers, etc. Because of the perceived cheering of my blog by Mulroneyite Pat MacAdam, Kinsella somehow included me into that conspiracy too.

Thus we saw the start of the famous Spector-Kinsella Blog War I the next day. Chretien's lawyers formally asked Judge Gomery to step down on January 31.

Thirdly, on March 1, I posted an entry which was quite out of ordinary because I used a couple of cuss words.

From: Jim Yu
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 19:42:49 -0800
Subject: S---, this is worse than the colds
With virtually no sympotoms(sic), I skin-tested positive for TB (tuberculosis) last week. Now I am waiting for chest X-way(sic) result.
I can tell you all about the context and "inside stories". But do you really f---ing care?
This was the only time I used expletives in my blog and I later edited them out. Chretienites sensed my extreme frustration and desperation and thought my story would break soon. So they filed paper two days later on behalf of Chretien with Federal Court of Canada to formally launch their legal case against Judge Gomery.

Although we may never know how the Chretienites might have proceeded with their Mulroney conspiracy theory had I not stopped fasting (another entry is needed on this one), the bottom line is this: Once my story breaks, this Martin government is going to fall. And I firmly believe my assessment in Martin's motive to call the Gomery inquiry and went on a "mad-as-hell" tour of the country over the Sponsorship scandal.

Once a politician, always a politician. If Chretienits can turn golf balls into politics, they sure can politicize my story, although I am not sure what their legal or communication arguments would have been.

So, what to make of the latest development of Chrétien's legal maneuver, i.e., to drop his bid? The way I see it, Mr. Jean Chretien does not really have any balls after all. – The last one he showed off in front of Judge Gomery, rumor has it, came from the in-law of his former assistant Warren Kinsella.